Friday, October 23, 2009
Recycled Tire Mats Health Effects
Saronnesi Left: "I will put the ideal candidate"
The list will be present at the next local elections in the coalition of center-left united
Saronnesi Luciano Porro will support the upcoming elections to be held in the spring. The list returned in the town of 2009 was presented with its own candidate, Anna Maria Nappo, deciding on the ballot to support Porro. Now with the election of 2010, "keeping in mind the proximity of the lists of programs that have won the ballot in 2009 and, most importantly, the spirit of unity with these forces led the successful campaign of the runoff election, the Left believes that the Saronnesi center in the debate should start from there, and Luciano Porro is the natural candidate of the coalition that will be presented to the opinions of voters. " "We hope - continuing from the list - that the same spirit pervades all the other political formations that we hope are all present and combined to expand the social basis desiderosa di un grosso cambiamento nella gestione della città e di conseguenza il consenso elettorale. Sinistra Saronnese intende continuare il lavoro fin qui svolto impegnandosi su problemi locali, occupazione e precariato, laicità, diritti civili, antirazzismo ed integrazione. Invitiamo tutti i cittadini e le associazioni che volessero confrontarsi con noi ad affiancare le nostre iniziative e dare il proprio contributo alla nostra lista a partecipare agli incontri di Sinistra Saronnese che si tengono tutti i mercoledì dalle ore 21,15 c/o la Casa del Partigiano di Via Maestri del Lavoro”
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