Noi candidati di Sinistra Saronnese Matilde Accurso Liotta I was born in Canterbury nineteen years ago but always live in Saronno. At 14, I begin my political activity in the young Democrats of the Left. After about a year to fund high school association in Atlantis then I become provincial spokesman. After that experience I am committed nell'associazionismo (Emergency GIVIS in particular) to resume political activities more properly left with Saronnesi. I've always been interested in the experiences pacifist and feminist in the province and helped to enliven the political-cultural high school (high school and after high school Legnani Grassi) and I am interested in associations hours university (University of Milan, Modern Literature)
Bathrooms born in Genoa September 3, 1954, he worked in insurance since 1973, but thanks to "atypical" can not count on a decent pension. It is considered a "migrant" from Genoa to the Venetian countryside, in Lodi, Saronno, where he has resided since 1988. He says with the pride of those who feel a world citizen, who has managed to integrate into the community where he lived and worked, who is convinced that the future of this world lies in the ability of men to exchange pieces of culture and traditions , without renouncing to its own history. Admitted to the Communist youth federation
the mythical '68 (first year of high school), entered the provincial executive of the union of insurers in 1975. As often happens to women, she worked for a few years of work e della famiglia: Poi la voglia di “darsi da fare” è riemersa: commissione servizi sociali, consiglio scolastico distrettuale e provinciale, comitato per un centro migliore (quello che, tra l’altro, ha sostenuto la pedonalizzazione del centro), candidata per il consiglio provinciale nel 1997.
Nel 2007 non aderisce al PD, sceglie Sinistra Democratica, sceglie la lunga e tortuosa strada dell’unità della sinistra.
Insomma una donna normale, figlia, lavoratrice, moglie, madre, con il cuore rosso che batte a sinistra.
Diego Espa Nato a Saronno, il 13-05-1970, sono compagno di Anna e stiamo per avere una figlia.
Diplomato , sono project manager for an engineering company. I worked in the city in the 90s for a construction company and an important building managers, then I was board member of the Cooperative "La Ginestra", for some years I have made the forest worker, the peddler in the markets , the painter ... etc etc precarious! . Like many men of my age I did his military service at the prison of San Vittore prison as a police officer ... a special experience. The Left Saronnesi I was the coordinator of the past election campaign, at the city level are ANPI Adviser and the Cooperative "House of the Partisan."
Founder's Circle "The Brigands", for 16 years has helped to organize "Festoria not to forget" and the circle UISP "Angelo Monti" I'm trying to build a new meeting place where cultural offer live music. They joined the Communist PRC.
Formenton Marco Born 19/04/68 to betray, unmarried, live in Gerenzano. I attended high school GB Grassi Saronno and then I graduated in physics at the University of Milan.
work as a computer technician in VoIP technology to a company 'based in Rome. I worked at the airport of Linate, then at the space center ESA ESRIN in Frascati, and currently at the ASL in Milan.
I am a card from the FIOM CGIL, joined the Communist Party of the PRC.
During my long stay in Rome, I am committed as a board member of the circle of Grottaferrata. Fond of reading, cinema, music (I especially like Pavese, Gramsci, Sartre, Springsteen).
Milito in PRC 'cause I know that another world' possible, not based on the exploitation of man by man.
Dominic Genco Born in Altamura (Bari) on 21/6/1951, married to Anna for 36 years, we have 3 children (the two females craft work in Saronno, the male chef in Switzerland).
attended the school 's requirement, I emigrated to Germany in 1971 I returned to Italy to fulfill military service. I worked for a 'metal industry of Mantua, to' Ansaldo Spa at Gioia del Colle (Ba) and in May of 1984 I was hired by 'Autonomous Administration of Posts and Telecommunications of Varese, the current Italian Post Spa serving in Saronno.
Since my entry into the world of work, I always participated actively in the union (CGIL Fiom and SLC CGIL) in positions of union representative.
always writing to the PCI, after the PRC From 2004 to 2009 I was in Saronno Municipal Council, elected by the Communist Refoundation.
Lorenzo Greek Jameleddine Laidi Born in Kairouan in Tunisia. I am 40 years practice as a painter. My wife's name is Grace and she is Italian. Saronnesi in this area since the 80s, I became an Italian citizen in 2008. I have always had a particular interest in international politics. I support the program by Luciano Porro especially where they touch the integration, I decided to run for Saronnesi to deal with the Left, and in the best way to solve this problem esistente non solo tra i saronnesi ed il resto del mondo, ma anche tra i cittadino e cittadino.
E’ necessario cercare la soluzione per combattere la povertà ed il disagio famigliare causati dalla pesante crisi economica in corso con la collaborazione non solo degli italiani ma anche degli stranieri che vivono e danno il loro contributo per il bene comune. Tutti noi dobbiamo cancellare la parola “tolleranza zero”.
Franco Legnani Nato a Saronno il 28/02/1963 . Coniugato con 2 figli: Sara di 7 anni e Matteo di 2. Diploma di ragioneria conseguito nel 1982 all’ITC Zappa di Saronno . Dal 1983 impiegato fino al 2003 presso la Cariplo/B.Intesa. Dal 2003 presso Credito Emiliano con mansioni "corporate banker" (analysis for the granting of credit lines to companies). At 14 he entered FGCI, then to the PCI. I have not joined the PDS and the following year I joined the Communist Party of the PRC. Saronno City Council from 1995 to 1999, by 2000, national secretary of the club and member of the provincial policy of the PRC. Member ANPI. From the age of 17 years and am a member of the collaboration with the Cooperative House Partisan di Saronno. Hobbies: reading (books of historical and political), garden Sports: cycling and skiing.
Patrizia Mangano Salvatore Martuscello Nato a Firenze il 19/11/1943 da genitori napoletani. Cresciuto a Napoli , vivo a Saronno da 45 anni .
Amo il quartiere nel quale vivo , il quartiere Matteotti , lavorando col gruppo sportivo ed essendo attivo nel Comitato fin dal 1997 . Ho creato il “piedi BUS e nonno amico” e lavoro come volontario con mia moglie Marisa , accompagnando a scuola i bambini che abitano nel quartiere.
Rappresentante sindacale di fabbrica CGIL . Sono stato nel Direttivo SUNIA per 10anni .
Militante DS per oltre un decennio , attualmente milito nel Partito dei Comunisti Italiani and Provincial Coordinator. Member ANPI. I contributed to the emergence of the Left Saronnesi.
Angelo Mazzola Born in Saronno on 24/10/1941. Married with a daughter who lives in New York and soon will give me the chance to become a grandfather. I was a member of the Board of Factory INICIS.
Now I am retired and I like to isolate myself in nature, organized walks in the mountains with friends.
I fought in the PDS, the DS and now the Left in Ecology and Freedom.
I joined, since its inception in Left Saronnesi because, even for my granddaughter I want a better Saronno!
Francesco Meneghetti Born in Genoa, married with one daughter. I lived between Padua and Venice. I moved to Lombardy for business since 1984, first in Lodi since 1988 and subsequently in Saronno.
I have always worked in the insurance and financial institutions. Jobs in Milan in an Italian banking group with strong international presence.
I began my political activity in the PSI in Veneto played in lombardiana component. Passed to the PDS in 1996, was secretary of the DS 2000 to 2007. In the Democratic Left, Left hours Ecology and Freedom, since 2007.
Alberto Minardi I was born on November 11, 1977 in Saronno, where risiedo da sempre.
Mi sono diplomato nel 1996 presso l ‘Itc zappa di saronno in ragioniere programmatore.
Ho lavorato come operaio prima, responsabile di reparto poi presso un azienda metalmeccanica di milano dal 1998 al 2005.
Dal 2005 curo la contabilità per un azienda di origgio.
Il mutamento delle condizioni del mercato del lavoro, delle politiche monetarie e dell’ordinamento internazionale che percepivo e che subivo (vedi delocalizzazione della azienda per la quale lavoravo), mi hanno spinto a volerci capire di più iscrivendomi nel 2005 alla Facoltà di scienze internazionali alla statale di milano dove mi laureerò a luglio con la tesi dal titolo “chi paga la crisi” , analisi delle riforme are put in place to overcome the crisis inherent in the capitalist system.
My passions are movies, reading (especially fantasy books), travel (possibly with my bike).
Giulio Pozzi Marco Nicoli
born in Vimercate (MI) on 23/04/1947. Married with two children and grandfather of Viola. I worked until his retirement teaching in vocational training. For 12 years I was secretary of the CGIL Scuola del Busto Arsizio and the district of Varese. From 1990 to 1993 I made the Provincial Councils (PoS) and from 1992 to 1993 I was the Provincial Councillor for Labour and Vocational Training "(in that period has started work to Technology Centre of the Bust A. , Consisting of a few years later).
City Council Saronno (PDS-DS) in the period 1994-1995, then from 1995 to 2004. In the last 5 years I was the parent DS.
Councillor from 1998 to 1999 for General Affairs, Organisation and Staff "in Saronno. In
Democratic Left, Left hours Ecology and Freedom, since 2007.
I love doing sports, especially hiking (my last test was in 2009 Saronno - Avignon)
David Puglisi Daniel Pullano 32 years, with a degree in Social Work at the Faculty of Sociology, University Bicocca, Milan, currently he is a professional social worker in the town of Bollate.
years interested in social issues and actively engaged at the political level with the Communist Party of the PRC, for which he was nominated for both municipal and provincial level, will also take care of its territory to face the difficulties that arise in it and work to improve the overall social fabric.
Donatella Reina.
Born in Gallarate (VA) 11 / 04/1965 and a lifetime resident in Saronno. After high school, I graduated from university of Statistics and 20yo at work chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Always interested in social activities, I attended the Community of Taize. Sensitive to environmental issues and issues of animal rights, I have supported initiatives of ENPA, Greenpeace and EMERGENCY. After the events of Genoa of 2001, I considered it appropriate to participate actively in political life, by engaging in peaceful initiatives (regional group of Bastaguerra) and joining the Communist Party of the PRC.
Augustine Venieri I was born 01/03/45 at Rolo (RE) are resident in Saronno in 1951 I was councilor of the PCI from 1970 to 1985 from 1992 sono in Rifondazione Comunista sono stato presidente del Centro Sportivo Matteotti per 28 anni. In Saronno per 40 anni ho fatto il commerciante.
Antonio Volpi Nato a Saronno,sposato con due figli. Perito Industriale, professione: consulente. Iscritto a Sinistra,ecologia e libertà.Proveniente da una lunga militanza nel Partito Socialista Italiano nella componente Sinistra Lombardiana “Giustizia e Libertà”,eletto nell’ Esecutivo della Federazione di Varese. Consigliere comunale a Saronno dal 1967 al 1990. Assessore all’Istruzione e Cultura dal 1967 al 1968 e all’ Urbanistica dal 1969 al 1971[ prima giunta Rezzonico]; Consigliere delegato al lavoro dal 1977 al1981 [ Mazzini came first]; Councillor to 'Planning from 1986 to 1990 [Stuckey came first]. From 1979 to 1981 Member of the Board of Directors appointed by the Ferrovie Nord Milano Varese Province at the time of regionalization of the Railroad [Cattaneo President Eng]. Practical long mountaineering and skiing.
Silvia Zappalà I am 26 years old and was born in Rome, but since I was a few months that I live in saronno ... I grew up and studied here. I attended high school
GB Grassi, and then I enrolled at the Politecnico di Milano School of Design, earning his degree in 2006 and 2008 about the Master of Science.
been growing for about six years my passion for the race, I would like to become a marathon runner, and when I train I do not like reading and visiting exhibitions (especially those concerning the world of art and Design).