Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brazilians For Men Ct


Primo Levi says: Every time has its
fascism if they notice the warning signs wherever the concentration of power denies the citizen the opportunity and the ability to express and implement their will.
Here it comes in many ways, not necessarily with the fear dell'intimidazione poliziesca,ma anche negando o distorcendo l'informazione, inquinando la giustizia, paralizzando la scuola, diffondendo in molti modi sottili la nostalgia per un mondo in cui regnava sovrano l'ordine,ed in cui la sicurezza dei pochi privilegiati riposava sul lavoro forzato e sul silenzio forzato dei molti
(Primo levi)
.....e non vi è dubbio che la televisione autoritaria e repressiva come mai nessun mezzo di informazione al mondo.
Il giornale fascista e le scritte su cascinali di slogans mussoliniani fanno ridere.

Il fascismo, voglio ripeterlo, non è stato sostanzialmente in grado nemmeno di scalfire l'anima del popolo italiano: il nuovo fascismo, attraverso i nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e information, not only has scratched, but has torn, broken, ugly forever. (Pier Paolo Pasolini)

a phrase that seems today ... Unfortunately, I see a left able to fight this regime, a left that does not exist more than he speaks more to the left ... we hope!! # / album.php? Aid = 2035561 & id = 1120217687

Prostitution, approved the bill Carfagna:
"arrest for sex workers."
under house arrest in the villas of the premier.
During the period of detention will be made available to ladies and young stages of training and update profession.
Enough prostitution by a few pennies on the sidewalk, what you see and then to the children, who tell their children.

Largo rather than 5, 7000 € per night exercised strictly in villas where you will be accompanied by police cars in blue-or limousines rented for the occasion .... The hypocrisy
ennesmo eulogy, which add?
... I could also agree to ban street prostitution, virtually eliminating child labor, trafficking in women
, degradation and so on.

But these false moralists do not accept it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bio Sculpture Nails Toronto

The chain of truth

From falsehoods about the mystery of foster care to kinship
Minetti's six points left obscure

The last oddity:
Ruby has been placed under investigation yesterday but the only theft in May

pm For Ruby had to go in the community (October 30, 2010)
"I know these guys do not take it into a center" (October 30, 2010)
Prime Minister: "Proud of my lifestyle" . Famiglia Cristiana: "He is ill" (October 29, 2010)
Berlusconi and the case Ruby: garbage. The Pd
"Singular habits, you resigns (October 28, 2010)
meetings, "every time 5 thousand euro" (October 29, 2010)
Berlusconi called the police and the minor was left free (October 29, 2010) From
falsehoods about the mystery of foster care to kinship Minetti Here are six points


The police in Milan (ANSA)
LONDON - A certain falsehoods. Another statement to be false or not, or bordering on sloppiness. A rebound of versions. A procedural dispute. A delay. And a failure. These are the six nodes of the night between 27 and 28 May in which a 17 year old Moroccan, escaped from a gated community of Messina, which appears after one of the guests Berlusconi's parties Arcore on which lay at pm in the summer, it was brought to 19 the police station to be identified before a charge of theft of € 3 000, and after two phone calls from Prime Minister's office to police officers went to the Ambrosian 2 am temporarily entrusted to the Regional Council pdl Nicole Minetti, rather than a community for minors.

Lie on Mubarak
One of the few certainties, paradoxically, has become just the fact that in the beginning seemed more incredible: the same police officers have indeed confirmed that around 11 pm, the Prime Minister telephoned the chief of staff Police Station, via the mobile phone of his caposcorta to ask information about a child found in those offices: girl - Berlusconi said - had been reported as a relative of President Mubarak of Egypt, suggesting that it would have been desirable to avoid transferring it to an accommodation, rather than suggesting it was entrusted to a person of trust, and informed that to this end would soon come to the Police Regional Councillor Minetti, willing to care for it. A waterfall, lies on the relationship with President Mubarak was reversed by the police as also the pm shift to the prosecution of minors, Anna Fiorillo. Without being properly even when, for identification occurred, would have to jump in the eyes inconsistency between the two nationalities.

or not there was no place

Police and Interior Ministry today reiterated that the initial order the prosecutor to bring a minor in a gated community would not be executable because the police had verified that the community there was less contact availability at the time of reception. An agent, specifically, that he is made a round of phone calls but had heard say that there would be room for only a few boys, and nothing but for a girl. The Courier, with a round of phone calls yesterday, but has tracked at least four structures 'historical' in to Milan, they would have room for a girl and that in any case were never called that night. Or is there was a forgery or, perhaps under pressure of phone calls between officials triggered by Berlusconi, there was a real poor or unfortunate. The consent of


pm at issue is whether the child has given a voice on the phone to police officers, unlike a first orientation, consent to the girl, identified with certainty if a document was provisionally responsible adult onset heralded by Berlusconi and the police station at midnight as "delegated to the Presidency ': namely, the Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti, a former dancer on TV and the premier dental hygienist, who in March had set the price Formigoni for sure Pirellone elections. Although now the waste Fiorillo pm to answer questions, and his boss Monica Fredericks states that "for my attorney I can only speak and I do not want to talk to not participate in any undue influence," other alleged "judicial sources" in fact conveys a different versions: that the prosecutor would not give permission to entrust the young Minetti identified, nor was any agreement reached with the police in this regard. But if the prosecutor officially silent, some people report that they would have said he could not remember the exact content of phone calls that night. He would not have seen the file since the police report came on the Attorney minors until 14 June, and not to her but (in accordance with the internal allocation) to another round of am. And June 14 the 17 year old had already had time to risparire be found this time and again entrusts to a community.


The question of whether or not it had been done a certain identification, the assumption of any go-ahead to award Minetti, appears to be answered in a July 28 report by the passage of the two agents of the police Monforte. We already knew that the community of Messina, from which the 17 year old had withdrawn, he said the police have a copy of the documents of the girl but they can be sent via fax the next morning. The agents, however, certify two more things: that then "the girl's identification with the reach achieved by the unique code and the photo-copy of the document received by the structure of Messina." If, therefore, remains a conservative to understand if the expression "received" was referring to physically send documents already happened, or just taken for granted the next day, as identification in all respects, however, is already the "unique code" that is, the combination of numbers and letters assigned to a person who is found in photo-evidence of previous photodactyloscopic. The file


That, moreover, even in juvenile prosecutor there has been some measure the load bears witness to a fact collateral: only this week, for a series of mistakes identified now with the notoriety of the case, the 17 year old was investigated on suspicion of theft that the police had taken her five months ago on May 27, formally reported by the alleged robbed that night but not days later.

obligations Minetti

remains unclear following the behavior of the Minetti, now under investigation by Lele Mora and Emilio Fede for aiding and abetting prostitution (as always written in these days, and not for exploitation as it appeared yesterday for a typo) . From Police Headquarters at 2 am Minetti was released as a provisional foster the minor, "with the obligation returning them to the prosecutor and to monitor its behavior. " But then the 17 year old guest house, which instead was found at the home of a Brazilian police arrived in the Minetti: the same one that tells the Courier that he advised the prime minister that she was over the 17 year old Police Headquarters, and from which after 9 days (in a heated exchange) the minor will say "beaten" and "induced into prostitution."

Louis Ferrarella
November 1, 2010 ©

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yellowstone January 14

festa della memoria

FOR NON DIMENTICAREDue meetings with images, sounds, emotions, not to forget
Friday, October 1: The Hundred Steps to remind
Peppino Impastato. His friends and Photobooks of Peppino Impastato, a message of Brother John; three days of testimony from Ponteranica organized by the Social Forum Antimafia.Il
Sicilian dinner accompanied by Friday October 8:
CARLO GIULIANI BOY to remember Charles: Speakers Marco Schiaffino, Roberto Quaglianone Committee and a member of the Genoa 2011. All accompanied by dinner Ligurian Initiatives si svolgeranno presso la Casa del Partigiano di Via Maestri del Lavoro - Saronno - a partire dalle ore 20Le due serate saranno anche l'occasione per continuare il lavoro di costruzione del comitato unitario a sostegno delle iniziative di lotta promosse dalla FIOM per la giornata del 16 ottobre.Organizza Sinistra Saronnese: Federazionde lla Sinistra (PRC - PDCI) e Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà.Per la cena è gradita la prenotazione tel 02 9601825 (ore 20/22)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Threaded Lever Action

Portsmouth Chamber of
"Rino Drigo"

The Structure of 'indoor climbing of Portsmouth and Open with the following schedule:

  • 20:00 pm Wednesday at 23:00
  • 20:00 pm Friday at 23:00
Admission Cost

  • Input Single CAI members 4
  • Input Single not CAI members € 5

  • Tessera 10 inputs CAI members. € 30
  • not pass 10 inputs CAI members. eu ro 40

Flight Simulator X Change Language

climbing gym

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Apothecary Coffee Table

Photo CAI

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cobra 148 Gtldxcb Radio

Consiglio Comunale del 6 luglio 2010

Il Consiglio Comunale di martedì 6 luglio ha approvato una mozione in cui sottolinea che l’acqua è un bene comune dell’umanità e che, come tale, non può che essere un bene pubblico. Nel documento è stata ribadita la necessità della public management of the entire water cycle and was committed to going to the amendment of the Statute of the City declaring the water "the common good and universal human right" and the water service as "devoid of economic significance", taking it away in this way to the national legislation unconstitutional.
Saronnesi Left believes it is important that the resolution of the City Council, and suggests that our Community to accede to the National Coordination of Local Authorities for Public Water.
We have always considered water as the most significant example of common property natural and social subtract from individuals and major financial capital, share enabled the committee to collect signatures for the promotion of three referendum abrogation, we think this act of the City Council of Saronno is also an important signal from the decisions a government has to approve, through yet another vote of confidence, a law that encourages - in fact - to a forced privatization of this vital resource.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Milena Velba Nadine Together


In recent days, the counter-demonstration at the April 25, the League of Saronno (even the Saronno would say its supporters) has rightly complained of the attack on its symbol on its flag and grossed solidarity, duty of all political parties present in Saronno, including us.

past few days and by the League at all levels, it appears that never dormant allergy, not to say idiosyncratic, to the Flag.
not the flag in general, but the flag with a capital, the Italian flag.

's probably a pathological form to which it seems has not yet found a remedy. When a Northern League sees a flag starts to feel a nagging itch, to become covered with bubbles, to scratch, so long as to mitigate and eliminate these symptoms, goes out with a statement against the tricolor and unity of Italy, and then gradually , the overall conditions improve and return to balance. E ', essentially, an antihistamine sui generis.

In recent days we have heard before the minister for the simplification Calderoli probably say that there was no minister of the League at the side of President Napolitano to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
Following the boss of the League and minister for reform, Bossi explained to him that the celebrations of the above were "the usual useless things, a little 'rhetoric." Locally
the commissioner for social services of the City of Malnate argues that the flag as toilet paper would not see even in the bathroom. Then, just to explain says: "But what do I do if I bothers me the flag? ". Location
fully aligned to that of the boss boss who, with the tricolor one would clean your ass, politically speaking, of course.

Evidently, however, the verbal violence of these attitudes does not give the same hassle of symbolic violence against the flag of the League of reactions and, locally, it seems there are many views.

We, for our part, we condemn them both and think the extremism, we still had the most serious of the League as committed by representatives of institutions and against the symbol of our country.

Left Saronnesi
Federation Communist Left
Ecology and Freedom.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sapphire Flavor Of Love Tits

Il 25 aprile 2010 a Saronno

Two conditions are essential.
First premise: we consider the democratic debate in all locations, institutional and non institutional the only way of doing politics and believe that any violence, physical, verbal or gestural enemy is a sincere and constructive democratic dialogue and, as such, by condemn.

Second premise: the press and media in general are an important tool for us in the political and social life of a community at all levels.

Having said this, read the press these days, it seems that any person who had not lived in Saronno April 25 and wanted to do with a review by the news and comparison appeared in the press these days would derive that the only thing of note had been the group's counter-Telos and the advent of this group against the political symbols of the League and despised tore the flag.

On April 25, Saronno was rather different. It 'was, among other things:
- the film about the massacre of Marzabotto,
- partisan dinner organized by the PNA on the evening of April 24,
- a procession attended by the very people (was the weather? )
- the mayor who left the keynote ANPI and stressed his respect for and sharing the memory and values \u200b\u200bof the Resistance e della Costituzione,
- la presenza per la prima volta del Gonfalone di Saronno alla manifestazione nazionale di Milano,
- uno spettacolo teatrale organizzato dall’ANPI.

Ecco. Il 25 aprile a Saronno è stato anche questo e soprattutto questo.

Forse sarebbe opportuno che questo fosse raccontato ai Saronnesi che magari il 25 aprile fossero andati ad una gita fuori porta.

Sinistra Saronnese

Saronno 29 aprile 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Writing With Space Pen 2010

Sulle elezioni 2010

Vogliamo innanzitutto ringraziare tutti gli elettori che hanno portato oggi Luciano Porro - il candidato sindaco da noi sostenuto - al ballottaggio e in particolare quegli elettori che hanno sostenuto la lista di Sinistra Saronnesi. Di Saronno
new democratic and progressive voters say that you can reverse a trend that you can build a political proposal made on the principles of solidarity, fairness and transparency, acceptance, advocacy and labor.

We are pleased to have participated, again, to this important statement for us is that, before the electoral battle, is the indispensable defense of constitutional principles, work, freedom and democracy born of the union of the great anti-fascist forces in the fight of liberation.

On this we met with Luciano Porro, friends of the Democratic Party and other forces that make up the coalition of center left. On "good politics" characterized by these principles will continue our commitment, from the few days that separate us from the election of the mayor and the council.

the principles of unity of democratic forces and left the support of Mayor Candidate Luciano Porro we have sacrificed in this campaign, as an expression of this unity, each of particular interest: with the appearance of Thy Saronno we also finally renounced all opportunity to see our candidate elected in the municipal council. We like to think that the same could in good conscience say the other forces that took part in this coalition.

We knew from 'start that without our candidate for mayor, with little economic means would be difficult to give visibility to our project in a coalition with a big party and a candidate for mayor of the same party would have been penalized in part. We have not chosen for the sake of sacrifice, but because we believe today, more than ever, necessary to build a land unit for comparison of progressive forces, and all 'inside of it, requires the presence of a left.

A Left that opposes the authoritarian right-wing and subversive projects, populism and racism, and that places at the same time a bank comes to "moderate" of a political class that leads the center-left to resemble more more to the right, which paralyzes the entire opposition.
Where this is harder, transparency and capacity has been done, Puglia and Le Marche, the right wing was defeated.

We believe that we must now look back with new words with new clarity and a project that changes "the world" today, without dogmatism, starting from the redistribution of wealth, against big financial lobbies for the rights of labor, not only the wage but also the precariousness of the thousands of VAT registration, for the integration of those who arrive in our country with us to build a better future for the defense of public goods, from water to the right a sanità e ad una scuola pubblica e laica, per la difesa dell’ambiente contro ogni progetto di reintroduzione del nucleare, per il diritto di tutte e tutti ad un'esistenza dignitosa e libera.

Crediamo in una sinistra che affermi i propri valori in un confronto serrato con le altre forze democratiche. Per questo ci impegneremo a sostegno di Luciano Porro nel ballottaggio e, una volta eletto, gli saremo al fianco chiedendogli, oggi e domani, di essere il Sindaco di tutta la coalizione, non di un partito di maggioranza, di essere il Sindaco dei cittadini di Saronno, chiamandoli innanzitutto a partecipare e a scegliere il loro futuro.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Japan Women Wearing Stockings


Dopo aver raccolto le testimonianze del video proponiamo che lo scambio gomma-ferro occur at Saronno station asking South to North railroads to stop them as well in the center, all trains to South Station in Saronno. This would solve the traffic problems in downtown, parking problems for commuters and residents and reduce pollution. We also propose to increase the n north of wagons and respect the timetable.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Explain How To Change Clutch On Rav4

Quartiere Matteotti

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Men's Shoes Powered By Wordpress

Noi candidati di Sinistra Saronnese

Matilde Accurso Liotta
I was born in Canterbury nineteen years ago but always live in Saronno. At 14, I begin my political activity in the young Democrats of the Left. After about a year to fund high school association in Atlantis then I become provincial spokesman. After that experience I am committed nell'associazionismo (Emergency GIVIS in particular) to resume political activities more properly left with Saronnesi. I've always been interested in the experiences pacifist and feminist in the province and helped to enliven the political-cultural high school (high school and after high school Legnani Grassi) and I am interested in associations hours university (University of Milan, Modern Literature)

born in Genoa September 3, 1954, he worked in insurance since 1973, but thanks to "atypical" can not count on a decent pension. It is considered a "migrant" from Genoa to the Venetian countryside, in Lodi, Saronno, where he has resided since 1988. He says with the pride of those who feel a world citizen, who has managed to integrate into the community where he lived and worked, who is convinced that the future of this world lies in the ability of men to exchange pieces of culture and traditions , without renouncing to its own history. Admitted to the Communist youth federation
the mythical '68 (first year of high school), entered the provincial executive of the union of insurers in 1975. As often happens to women, she worked for a few years of work e della famiglia: Poi la voglia di “darsi da fare” è riemersa: commissione servizi sociali, consiglio scolastico distrettuale e provinciale, comitato per un centro migliore (quello che, tra l’altro, ha sostenuto la pedonalizzazione del centro), candidata per il consiglio provinciale nel 1997.
Nel 2007 non aderisce al PD, sceglie Sinistra Democratica, sceglie la lunga e tortuosa strada dell’unità della sinistra.
Insomma una donna normale, figlia, lavoratrice, moglie, madre, con il cuore rosso che batte a sinistra.

Diego Espa
Nato a Saronno, il 13-05-1970, sono compagno di Anna e stiamo per avere una figlia.
Diplomato , sono project manager for an engineering company. I worked in the city in the 90s for a construction company and an important building managers, then I was board member of the Cooperative "La Ginestra", for some years I have made the forest worker, the peddler in the markets , the painter ... etc etc precarious! . Like many men of my age I did his military service at the prison of San Vittore prison as a police officer ... a special experience. The Left Saronnesi I was the coordinator of the past election campaign, at the city level are ANPI Adviser and the Cooperative "House of the Partisan."
Founder's Circle "The Brigands", for 16 years has helped to organize "Festoria not to forget" and the circle UISP "Angelo Monti" I'm trying to build a new meeting place where cultural offer live music. They joined the Communist PRC.

Marco Born 19/04/68 to betray, unmarried, live in Gerenzano. I attended high school GB Grassi Saronno and then I graduated in physics at the University of Milan.
work as a computer technician in VoIP technology to a company 'based in Rome. I worked at the airport of Linate, then at the space center ESA ESRIN in Frascati, and currently at the ASL in Milan.
I am a card from the FIOM CGIL, joined the Communist Party of the PRC.
During my long stay in Rome, I am committed as a board member of the circle of Grottaferrata. Fond of reading, cinema, music (I especially like Pavese, Gramsci, Sartre, Springsteen).
Milito in PRC 'cause I know that another world' possible, not based on the exploitation of man by man.

Dominic Genco
Born in Altamura (Bari) on 21/6/1951, married to Anna for 36 years, we have 3 children (the two females craft work in Saronno, the male chef in Switzerland).
attended the school 's requirement, I emigrated to Germany in 1971 I returned to Italy to fulfill military service. I worked for a 'metal industry of Mantua, to' Ansaldo Spa at Gioia del Colle (Ba) and in May of 1984 I was hired by 'Autonomous Administration of Posts and Telecommunications of Varese, the current Italian Post Spa serving in Saronno.
Since my entry into the world of work, I always participated actively in the union (CGIL Fiom and SLC CGIL) in positions of union representative.
always writing to the PCI, after the PRC From 2004 to 2009 I was in Saronno Municipal Council, elected by the Communist Refoundation.

Lorenzo Greek

Jameleddine Laidi
Born in Kairouan in Tunisia. I am 40 years practice as a painter. My wife's name is Grace and she is Italian. Saronnesi in this area since the 80s, I became an Italian citizen in 2008. I have always had a particular interest in international politics. I support the program by Luciano Porro especially where they touch the integration, I decided to run for Saronnesi to deal with the Left, and in the best way to solve this problem esistente non solo tra i saronnesi ed il resto del mondo, ma anche tra i cittadino e cittadino.
E’ necessario cercare la soluzione per combattere la povertà ed il disagio famigliare causati dalla pesante crisi economica in corso con la collaborazione non solo degli italiani ma anche degli stranieri che vivono e danno il loro contributo per il bene comune. Tutti noi dobbiamo cancellare la parola “tolleranza zero”.

Franco Legnani
Nato a Saronno il 28/02/1963 . Coniugato con 2 figli: Sara di 7 anni e Matteo di 2. Diploma di ragioneria conseguito nel 1982 all’ITC Zappa di Saronno . Dal 1983 impiegato fino al 2003 presso la Cariplo/B.Intesa. Dal 2003 presso Credito Emiliano con mansioni "corporate banker" (analysis for the granting of credit lines to companies). At 14 he entered FGCI, then to the PCI. I have not joined the PDS and the following year I joined the Communist Party of the PRC. Saronno City Council from 1995 to 1999, by 2000, national secretary of the club and member of the provincial policy of the PRC. Member ANPI. From the age of 17 years and am a member of the collaboration with the Cooperative House Partisan di Saronno. Hobbies: reading (books of historical and political), garden Sports: cycling and skiing.

Patrizia Mangano

Salvatore Martuscello
Nato a Firenze il 19/11/1943 da genitori napoletani. Cresciuto a Napoli , vivo a Saronno da 45 anni .
Amo il quartiere nel quale vivo , il quartiere Matteotti , lavorando col gruppo sportivo ed essendo attivo nel Comitato fin dal 1997 . Ho creato il “piedi BUS e nonno amico” e lavoro come volontario con mia moglie Marisa , accompagnando a scuola i bambini che abitano nel quartiere.
Rappresentante sindacale di fabbrica CGIL . Sono stato nel Direttivo SUNIA per 10anni .
Militante DS per oltre un decennio , attualmente milito nel Partito dei Comunisti Italiani and Provincial Coordinator. Member ANPI. I contributed to the emergence of the Left Saronnesi.

Angelo Mazzola
Born in Saronno on 24/10/1941. Married with a daughter who lives in New York and soon will give me the chance to become a grandfather. I was a member of the Board of Factory INICIS.
Now I am retired and I like to isolate myself in nature, organized walks in the mountains with friends.
I fought in the PDS, the DS and now the Left in Ecology and Freedom.
I joined, since its inception in Left Saronnesi because, even for my granddaughter I want a better Saronno!

Francesco Meneghetti
Born in Genoa, married with one daughter. I lived between Padua and Venice. I moved to Lombardy for business since 1984, first in Lodi since 1988 and subsequently in Saronno.
I have always worked in the insurance and financial institutions. Jobs in Milan in an Italian banking group with strong international presence.
I began my political activity in the PSI in Veneto played in lombardiana component. Passed to the PDS in 1996, was secretary of the DS 2000 to 2007. In the Democratic Left, Left hours Ecology and Freedom, since 2007.

Alberto Minardi
I was born on November 11, 1977 in Saronno, where risiedo da sempre.
Mi sono diplomato nel 1996 presso l ‘Itc zappa di saronno in ragioniere programmatore.
Ho lavorato come operaio prima, responsabile di reparto poi presso un azienda metalmeccanica di milano dal 1998 al 2005.
Dal 2005 curo la contabilità per un azienda di origgio.
Il mutamento delle condizioni del mercato del lavoro, delle politiche monetarie e dell’ordinamento internazionale che percepivo e che subivo (vedi delocalizzazione della azienda per la quale lavoravo), mi hanno spinto a volerci capire di più iscrivendomi nel 2005 alla Facoltà di scienze internazionali alla statale di milano dove mi laureerò a luglio con la tesi dal titolo “chi paga la crisi” , analisi delle riforme are put in place to overcome the crisis inherent in the capitalist system.
My passions are movies, reading (especially fantasy books), travel (possibly with my bike).

Giulio Pozzi Marco Nicoli

born in Vimercate (MI) on 23/04/1947. Married with two children and grandfather of Viola. I worked until his retirement teaching in vocational training. For 12 years I was secretary of the CGIL Scuola del Busto Arsizio and the district of Varese. From 1990 to 1993 I made the Provincial Councils (PoS) and from 1992 to 1993 I was the Provincial Councillor for Labour and Vocational Training "(in that period has started work to Technology Centre of the Bust A. , Consisting of a few years later).
City Council Saronno (PDS-DS) in the period 1994-1995, then from 1995 to 2004. In the last 5 years I was the parent DS.
Councillor from 1998 to 1999 for General Affairs, Organisation and Staff "in Saronno. In
Democratic Left, Left hours Ecology and Freedom, since 2007.
I love doing sports, especially hiking (my last test was in 2009 Saronno - Avignon)

David Puglisi

Daniel Pullano
32 years, with a degree in Social Work at the Faculty of Sociology, University Bicocca, Milan, currently he is a professional social worker in the town of Bollate.
years interested in social issues and actively engaged at the political level with the Communist Party of the PRC, for which he was nominated for both municipal and provincial level, will also take care of its territory to face the difficulties that arise in it and work to improve the overall social fabric.

Donatella Reina.
Born in Gallarate (VA) 11 / 04/1965 and a lifetime resident in Saronno. After high school, I graduated from university of Statistics and 20yo at work chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Always interested in social activities, I attended the Community of Taize. Sensitive to environmental issues and issues of animal rights, I have supported initiatives of ENPA, Greenpeace and EMERGENCY. After the events of Genoa of 2001, I considered it appropriate to participate actively in political life, by engaging in peaceful initiatives (regional group of Bastaguerra) and joining the Communist Party of the PRC.

Augustine Venieri
I was born 01/03/45 at Rolo (RE) are resident in Saronno in 1951 I was councilor of the PCI from 1970 to 1985 from 1992 sono in Rifondazione Comunista sono stato presidente del Centro Sportivo Matteotti per 28 anni. In Saronno per 40 anni ho fatto il commerciante.

Antonio Volpi
Nato a Saronno,sposato con due figli. Perito Industriale, professione: consulente. Iscritto a Sinistra,ecologia e libertà.Proveniente da una lunga militanza nel Partito Socialista Italiano nella componente Sinistra Lombardiana “Giustizia e Libertà”,eletto nell’ Esecutivo della Federazione di Varese. Consigliere comunale a Saronno dal 1967 al 1990. Assessore all’Istruzione e Cultura dal 1967 al 1968 e all’ Urbanistica dal 1969 al 1971[ prima giunta Rezzonico]; Consigliere delegato al lavoro dal 1977 al1981 [ Mazzini came first]; Councillor to 'Planning from 1986 to 1990 [Stuckey came first]. From 1979 to 1981 Member of the Board of Directors appointed by the Ferrovie Nord Milano Varese Province at the time of regionalization of the Railroad [Cattaneo President Eng]. Practical long mountaineering and skiing.

Silvia Zappalà
I am 26 years old and was born in Rome, but since I was a few months that I live in saronno ... I grew up and studied here. I attended high school
GB Grassi, and then I enrolled at the Politecnico di Milano School of Design, earning his degree in 2006 and 2008 about the Master of Science.
been growing for about six years my passion for the race, I would like to become a marathon runner, and when I train I do not like reading and visiting exhibitions (especially those concerning the world of art and Design).

Monday, March 8, 2010

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Nappo: “Ecco perché non mi sono candidata”

In the last election campaign I have shared the project and the program of the Left Saronnesi and I had the honor of representing the political party as candidate for mayor.
I lived this experience with enthusiasm, the election campaign, the success of the list and the victorious ballot.
Then, as everyone knows, the resignation submitted instrumental in blocking all the directors of the center regardless of the good of the city, led to the dissolution of the Municipal Council and the Commissioner the City.
This dismissive attitude towards a democratic election I was deeply shocked and disappointed as a citizen, as a woman, as a doctor and as a person involved in the associations.
I decided to do my political role in the city instead of a commitment at the institutional level through a more intense work in the world of associations working in the social sphere.
In this new campaign and then I decided not to reapply for devoting all my efforts to new projects to which I have devoted, however, giving all my effort, even from the outside, the list of Left Saronnesi.
I am sure that a positive result by Luciano Porro, excellent candidato sindaco che ho avuto modo di conoscere ed apprezzare, e di Sinistra Saronnese formazione che potrà garantire solide gambe al cambiamento di cui la Città di Saronno ha estremo bisogno, consentirà alla Città di uscire da dieci anni di amministrazione di centro destra i cui disastri sono sotto gli occhi di tutti i cittadini.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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Al Consiglio dei Ministri poco più di mezz’ora è bastato per mettere in piedi il “broglio di Stato”. Il CdM ha infatti approvato il ddl interpretativo della normativa elettorale per elezioni regionali, varando il decreto “broglio di Stato” per rimettere in corsa il listino di Roberto Formigoni in Lombardia e la lista provinciale del Pdl di Roma a sostegno Renata Polverini.
The decree approved by the Council of Ministers "healthy" is the situation in Lazio is the situation in Lombardy. In all three articles would be, the first of which contains four paragraphs providing the core measure. E 'confirmed the election date for 28 and 29 March. The rule that loosens the knot of Lazio, which includes the words timetable for the submission of the lists will be met with 'a proven entry into the premises of the competent court or the Court of Appeal, at the specified time, the delegates of the presentation of lists '. If, even with the opening times complied, for whatever reason had not been delivered effettiva alla cancelleria delle liste e della relativa documentazione, questo può essere fatto ‘comunque entro 24 ore dalla scadenza del termine’.
La norma che sana il problema della lista Formigoni in Lombardia prevede che la veridicità delle firme e la loro autenticazione non sono inficiate dalla presenza di ‘irregolarità formali’ come la non leggibilità del timbro dell’autorità autenticante, o dei dati relativi alla sua qualifica o al luogo.
Un capolavoro di democrazia, dunque. Con un tocco di pennello finale: nella cui premessa si precisa, pure, che il provvedimento è volto ad assicurare l’esercizio dei diritti di elettorato attivo e passivo tutelati dalla Costituzione.
Un State fraud, another shame of this Italy. Where the rules no longer seem to count, or at most only a few. Where a list is included and representatives of the same list, betray the mandate given by the Italians, that govern the country, to rape, humiliate and change, twist, sew on the rules of the game.
There are people who stand in line, pay fines, comply with the rules and when they do not suffer too. There are others who not only respect them, but moreover, the change to your liking. To protest against the decree
meet me in so many this afternoon at 16
Saronno in Freedom Square to the Left Saronnesi gazebo and all

Thursday, March 4, 2010

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For several months we are living, not only in our country, the effects
of a very serious economic and social crisis that is becoming dramatic
for millions of people, destroying jobs and prospects
for future generations. But the crisis is not for everyone:
while the vast majority has seen every day
decrease their purchasing power and their social rights,
a small portion of the population, the richest and most responsible for the crisis, has increasingly enriched
. Being left means today continue to strive for a society
'fair, it is not to preserve the past, but
realize his hopes. The hope of the Left is based on
anger and courage, the outrage at the injustice of things,
the courage to change them.
At the heart of our action is the defense of labor rights, there are
environmentalism, the need for democratic participation
economic support to the most vulnerable, the struggle to defend the Constitution and against the new fascism
and racism of the right. We have for this
decided to pursue a laboratory of ideas, a place where the forces of the left
Saronno could confront without
divisions at the national level would call into question the need
to work together to find real solutions to the city government, without giving in to
culture of "moderation" that is immobilized
progressive forces of our country. We must have the courage to change.


At the last election on the ballot, LUCIANO round LEEK
has created a dream: to win in an outpost on the right.
In those days, you will recall, there was an atmosphere different in Saronno,
you had the feeling that something was changing. This also
thanks to our action before we have courageously chosen to present one of our
Mayor candidate, collecting
just under 4% of the votes, then merged into the ballot in support of Luciano Porro
and decisive victory. Here, and to give another opportunity to
this dream possible for a different government and of this city, for
coherence to our constituents that we have decided to support Luciano Porro as mayor.

It' important that somebody still speaks from the "left" of the problems
newspapers, remember (and do remember) what is our history
policy, what are the values contained in that word, "Left",
denied by many today:
SECULARITY '... How do you accept in our city?

• With the creation of green areas in the city,
opposing reckless.
• With the creation of a solidarity fund in support
workers and families affected by the crisis.
• With the defense of water as a common good, not
privatized. • With
maintenance and increase of public spaces.
• With the organization of spaces for young people, culture
and new forms of socialization and aggregation.
• With the defense of public education and the improvement of educational
despite cuts
reform of Gemini.
• The promotion of the Code of Ethics that restores
morality to public administration.

why we ask you first of all to participate, to give your
contribution so that the policy is not only the stage of business and speculation
the usual suspects but once more a place where design
civil life. Confident that only participation can give rise to a
good policy. A policy in defense of human rights and democracy

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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GENCO DOMENICO - pensions, former councilor
LAID Jamel Eddine - Painters
Martusciello SALVATORE -
Nicola Giuliano - STUDENT


Monday, February 22, 2010

David Archuleta Poster Pdf


Saturday, February 27, at 20
at the House of partisan
via Maestri del Lavoro 4
You are invited to participate and support
Left Saronnesi.
And 'Reservations recommended:
To book: tel or Augustine. 339.582.63.96. Menu

(calabrorivoluzionario) Pasta
who milangiani
satizzu cunzatu who rapidly



Saturday, February 13, 2010

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Monday, February 8, 2010

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

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Incontriamoci! Sinistra Saronnese in vista delle amministrative di marzo

Left Saronnesi organized for Monday, February 8, 2010 at 21, at the fireplace room in Villa Gianetti (via Rome) to Saronno, l ' Initiative Left Saronnesi and Elections Administrative Saronno. We invite all interested parties to participate.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Left Saronnesi run in the upcoming municipal lessons in coalition with other forces of the center-supporting as a candidate for mayor Luciano Porro
Saronnesi Left is a political grouping that brings together all the political left-wing alternative in the city that consistently have always fought for the protection of workers, pensioners
Saronnesi Left bases its political activity on three main elements:
- struggle with the daily struggle only you can determine a change in the economic, political and moral
- solidarity only a policy of solidarity can save us from the brink of the "society of fear" that the right is trying to impose its rule in order to maintain balance;
- consistency: the compass of political action is based on the programs and not on tactical deployment
The program agreed to Saronno thanks to the contribution of certain Left Saronnesi provides:
- to address the effects of the crisis at work, income support, the precarious, the unemployed, those who are in difficulty defending the lowest incomes and promote effective fight against
cost of living - to promote citizen participation and transparency of the acts of the City
- Defense business and revitalization of local economy based on innovation, information, quality production in which competition takes place not on the lower labor cost;
- the redevelopment of urban areas, environmental restoration, the preservation of areas Green, fight against pollution and traffic crossing
- to safeguard the common good - first of all the water, and thwart attempts to privatize
- maintain and expand the range of social services now present
- Investing in culture, from schools, which means encouraging the development of all citizens as individuals and as society as a
a whole - a city that respects cultural differences and secular and religious views as a source of wealth and not division and exclusion

For this content you must have legs to march your contribution.
28 and March 29 and then vote Vote Left Saronnesi Email:
Facebook: Left Saronnesi

Thursday, January 21, 2010

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missed the death of justice.

Who remembers the Watergate case? The
rinfreschino in memory, those then they saw that the conduct and conclusion, should inform the others.

remember and know that Nixon barricaded inside the White House in the last days of his presidency as a noble ambition for power, but to stall negotiations on their own petty personal future destiny.

Then, the 'August 8, 1978, the 37th President of the United States' America, Richard Milhous Nixon, who had long hindered the course of justice by trying to distance himself from the responsibility of a long series of criminal acts, then Only after obtaining the promise of an act of "forgiveness" from the future President Ford, he decided to resign, to avoid the certain conviction and prison after his impeachment. The above

future memory of us ignorant .....

have increased the price of refreshment stall in the Senate.
The cafe 'is changed from 50 to 70 cents, now costs an initial 2Euro and 50, a second
3.35, a liter of water 1 €, orange juice 1.55, 2.30
a beer. The happy hour goes from 1.40 to 1.55.
unchanged prices of the restaurant.
I get angry?

interceptions Berlusconi Sacca '

FOR the uninitiated BAG'


the end of the network:

Monday, January 18, 2010

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a page of history .............

Reflections on democracy after


Alberto Giarrizzo

Today at 15:22
The scandal known as Tangentopoli and the long process that ensued, as many will remember, sprang at random from a story of innocent bribes , orchestrated in a big way from a modest figure of the underworld Milanese, Mario Chiesa that, at that time director of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio. A character, this Mario Chiesa (lovingly called by his friends Mariotto), recently jumped to the headlines because of its yet another round of bribes, to confirm what is still valid, the moral of ancient wisdom: the leopard, but not vice.

In the collective imagination, Tangentopoli became famous because it seemed to stop the malpractice of a certain policy cialtronesca of pure and single-sided compromise, based on the pursuit of personal interests turbid, to the benefit of a very small elite of powerful men of the party (remember the CSO, which stands for: Craxi, Andreotti, Forlani), the apparatus of bureaucrats and unscrupulous businessmen and foragers of the system. Thank Tangentopoli, said the journalists, set permanently the so-called First Republic, and in its place, came to life and space an Italy brand new, made of a new leadership, new parties and a social conscience rooted and widespread finally directed to comply with the rules and judgments on the merits, the claim of morality in political and administrative.

disappeared from the political scene of post-war historical parties, the Christian Democrats at the same Italian Socialist Party. The PDS infant, born of necessity after the historic fall of the Soviet bloc and the consequent place of Bolognina, no longer having any kind of antagonists, highly spun and found himself at the mercy of itself, more and more screwed embarrassing rhetoric, which on the one hand, to unmark the new party and muttering some distinction between the communist tradition franking Italian and the Soviet Union, the other to reassure the public that the PDS would be the right alternative for Italy, miraculously survived the disaster because the courts. Not so. People do not bite and the PCI / PDS / DS (sequence of confusing acronyms confused by substitutes) remained the only rhetoric, the absolute and inconclusiveness self-referentiality of its oligarchy, liens still quite evident in the newborn PD. Downstream of this article

process and before the current state of Italian politics, I would not say that Tangentopoli corresponded to a victory for our democracy. Tangentopoli was the victory of an institution of the State, the Judiciary, at another institution: the Parliament of the Republic. The Judiciary is undeniable, played its role, the prosecution, but did so with efficiency and ways hitherto unknown and, I might add, still far from the daily experience of an ordinary citizen. Those who have had to do with justice, knows how much bureaucracy, red tape, mess-ups of notable lawyers and downtime required to arrive at a decision that, in most cases, never satisfies anyone, just because of Biblical times that are used to get there. From this point of view, was more Tangentopoli a fierce showdown between the state apparatus, that a democratic rebirth. Faced with the inaction of the electorate, the Judiciary has decided to take its course, like an avalanche, when it starts up no obstacles and slide downstream with fury. And then, apart from Sergio Cusani and some other recruiter, who's really paying for one's sins to the State? Craxi? Arnaldo Forlani? Cirino Pomicino? At first dedicated early streets and squares. To the other ... are calm and serene to conduct their business and are also more regrets. Shakespeare would say: much ado about nothing.

In a mature democracy, the change occurs always and only through the work of popular sovereignty. By the electorate after the events of Tangentopoli, has never been any substantial disruption of the Italian political class. For the historical parties and high-sounding names were replaced by others of the time, chosen from the second lines, and the zealous busybody lackeys of the old barons (the new champion of the Old Democratic revival, and a clear alternative to two-party mold cerchiobottista is Pierferdinando Casini, historical racks of Arnaldo Forlani). The people remained at the window watching, and is still standing on the sidelines, to side with hotly in favor of judges and support in the meantime, with obvious contradictions and bad faith, the old way of thinking and doing politics. The only people continue to participate, when and where one gets an advantage.

Tangentopoli has given us a country split in two and made daily torn quarrelsomeness institutions of the two contenders. Until we understand that democracy is we, each of us, with the quality of our efforts, our participation and responsible way we work with our choices, the fight will go forward and the country drifting inexorably. The quality of a democratic country can not be judged by the severity of the body and its systems, and judicial sanctions, but the manner in which the community and their representatives interpret, conform and obey the laws that they themselves are given.


Augusto Montaruli

Tangentopoli could be the beginning of a new republic, a new phase of democracy in Italy. But the "descent into the field" of ducetto Arcore made it all coem back sooner, if not worse, but worse. Add to that the end of ideologies and the phenomenon of personalization of the parties.
E 'urgent need a fresh start and go down in the field values \u200b\u200band ideas.

Nino La Rosa

Correct synthesis of 21 years of history home.
Optimistically I agree that "The quality of a democratic country can not be judged by the severity of the body and its systems, and judicial sanctions, but the manner in which the community and their representatives interpret, conform and obey the laws that they themselves are given "in the hope that younger generations are consistent with that fact.

Kathy Corleone

Augusto @ in my ideas, proposals and lack nn concludes that well-thank Alberto for his always polite and interesting thoughts, writing: "Tangentopoli has given us a country split in two and made daily torn institutional quarrelsomeness the two contenders. Until we understand that democracy is we, each of us, with the quality of our efforts, our participation and responsible way we work with our choices, the fight will continue and the country drifting inexorably. The quality of a democratic country can not be judged by the severity of the body and its systems, and judicial sanctions, but the manner in which the community and their representatives interpret, conform and comply with laws they themselves have given. "
ends well , I said ... I might add that this "gave us" I would interpret it as a "gave us" our country the perfect synchrony agriculture policies with a design that is even before obvious signs Tangentopoli.La history, I think, is nn jumps.

Piero Sampiero

Dear Alberto, I am partly agree with you in pointing out how the change of partial and incomplete, not everything is done except indirectly through the work of the people, but only the intervention of eg a branch order state.
But the judiciary has taken action to make up for gaps in democracy. How could a corrupt regime utoriformarsi?
was simply impossible. So a credit must be ascribed to clean hands for allowing the worst part of party politics was put on the corner of life policy. Unfortunately
tares of the system there and the people can not obtain a series of reforms to ensure a substantive democracy, the rule of law and limits the dictatorship of the majority as the sacrifices of the corridor.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

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Wednesday, January 13, starting at 21 15, Left to take up appointments Saronnesi
the agenda the following issues:
- the work of various committees for the rewriting of the electoral
- early settlement of the list
- operating procedures for collecting signatures and other operational tasks
- Initiatives List
Given the importance of the issues in discussion are strongly advised not to miss.