FAI VALERE I TUOI DIRITTI SOSTIENI SINISTRA SARONNESE Left Saronnesi run in the upcoming municipal lessons in coalition with other forces of the center-supporting as a candidate for mayor Luciano Porro
Saronnesi Left is a political grouping that brings together all the political left-wing alternative in the city that consistently have always fought for the protection of workers, pensioners
Saronnesi Left bases its political activity on three main elements:
- struggle with the daily struggle only you can determine a change in the economic, political and moral
- solidarity only a policy of solidarity can save us from the brink of the "society of fear" that the right is trying to impose its rule in order to maintain balance;
- consistency: the compass of political action is based on the programs and not on tactical deployment
The program agreed to Saronno thanks to the contribution of certain Left Saronnesi provides:
- to address the effects of the crisis at work, income support, the precarious, the unemployed, those who are in difficulty defending the lowest incomes and promote effective fight against
cost of living - to promote citizen participation and transparency of the acts of the City
- Defense business and revitalization of local economy based on innovation, information, quality production in which competition takes place not on the lower labor cost;
- the redevelopment of urban areas, environmental restoration, the preservation of areas Green, fight against pollution and traffic crossing
- to safeguard the common good - first of all the water, and thwart attempts to privatize
- maintain and expand the range of social services now present
- Investing in culture, from schools, which means encouraging the development of all citizens as individuals and as society as a
a whole - a city that respects cultural differences and secular and religious views as a source of wealth and not division and exclusion
For this content you must have legs to march your contribution.
28 and March 29 and then vote Vote Left Saronnesi Email:
sinistrasaronnese@hotmail.it Blog:
www.sinistrasaronnese.blogspot.com Facebook: Left Saronnesi