Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sapphire Flavor Of Love Tits

Il 25 aprile 2010 a Saronno

Two conditions are essential.
First premise: we consider the democratic debate in all locations, institutional and non institutional the only way of doing politics and believe that any violence, physical, verbal or gestural enemy is a sincere and constructive democratic dialogue and, as such, by condemn.

Second premise: the press and media in general are an important tool for us in the political and social life of a community at all levels.

Having said this, read the press these days, it seems that any person who had not lived in Saronno April 25 and wanted to do with a review by the news and comparison appeared in the press these days would derive that the only thing of note had been the group's counter-Telos and the advent of this group against the political symbols of the League and despised tore the flag.

On April 25, Saronno was rather different. It 'was, among other things:
- the film about the massacre of Marzabotto,
- partisan dinner organized by the PNA on the evening of April 24,
- a procession attended by the very people (was the weather? )
- the mayor who left the keynote ANPI and stressed his respect for and sharing the memory and values \u200b\u200bof the Resistance e della Costituzione,
- la presenza per la prima volta del Gonfalone di Saronno alla manifestazione nazionale di Milano,
- uno spettacolo teatrale organizzato dall’ANPI.

Ecco. Il 25 aprile a Saronno è stato anche questo e soprattutto questo.

Forse sarebbe opportuno che questo fosse raccontato ai Saronnesi che magari il 25 aprile fossero andati ad una gita fuori porta.

Sinistra Saronnese

Saronno 29 aprile 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Writing With Space Pen 2010

Sulle elezioni 2010

Vogliamo innanzitutto ringraziare tutti gli elettori che hanno portato oggi Luciano Porro - il candidato sindaco da noi sostenuto - al ballottaggio e in particolare quegli elettori che hanno sostenuto la lista di Sinistra Saronnesi. Di Saronno
new democratic and progressive voters say that you can reverse a trend that you can build a political proposal made on the principles of solidarity, fairness and transparency, acceptance, advocacy and labor.

We are pleased to have participated, again, to this important statement for us is that, before the electoral battle, is the indispensable defense of constitutional principles, work, freedom and democracy born of the union of the great anti-fascist forces in the fight of liberation.

On this we met with Luciano Porro, friends of the Democratic Party and other forces that make up the coalition of center left. On "good politics" characterized by these principles will continue our commitment, from the few days that separate us from the election of the mayor and the council.

the principles of unity of democratic forces and left the support of Mayor Candidate Luciano Porro we have sacrificed in this campaign, as an expression of this unity, each of particular interest: with the appearance of Thy Saronno we also finally renounced all opportunity to see our candidate elected in the municipal council. We like to think that the same could in good conscience say the other forces that took part in this coalition.

We knew from 'start that without our candidate for mayor, with little economic means would be difficult to give visibility to our project in a coalition with a big party and a candidate for mayor of the same party would have been penalized in part. We have not chosen for the sake of sacrifice, but because we believe today, more than ever, necessary to build a land unit for comparison of progressive forces, and all 'inside of it, requires the presence of a left.

A Left that opposes the authoritarian right-wing and subversive projects, populism and racism, and that places at the same time a bank comes to "moderate" of a political class that leads the center-left to resemble more more to the right, which paralyzes the entire opposition.
Where this is harder, transparency and capacity has been done, Puglia and Le Marche, the right wing was defeated.

We believe that we must now look back with new words with new clarity and a project that changes "the world" today, without dogmatism, starting from the redistribution of wealth, against big financial lobbies for the rights of labor, not only the wage but also the precariousness of the thousands of VAT registration, for the integration of those who arrive in our country with us to build a better future for the defense of public goods, from water to the right a sanità e ad una scuola pubblica e laica, per la difesa dell’ambiente contro ogni progetto di reintroduzione del nucleare, per il diritto di tutte e tutti ad un'esistenza dignitosa e libera.

Crediamo in una sinistra che affermi i propri valori in un confronto serrato con le altre forze democratiche. Per questo ci impegneremo a sostegno di Luciano Porro nel ballottaggio e, una volta eletto, gli saremo al fianco chiedendogli, oggi e domani, di essere il Sindaco di tutta la coalizione, non di un partito di maggioranza, di essere il Sindaco dei cittadini di Saronno, chiamandoli innanzitutto a partecipare e a scegliere il loro futuro.