Battisti, a history of impunity that is repeated not only in Italy Il Brasile e' da tempo un paese nel quale latitanti italiani - e anche super-latitanti, come Tommaso Buscetta - Seek refuge at this point that more 'than a dozen years ago, in 1999, the Central Operational Service asked the police authorities' local draw a''map''of the many mobsters who lived there, in addition to 16 per which already 'had then requested his extradition. Buscetta, known as''the boss''of the two worlds was arrested in Brazil on March 24, 1983, and later extradited to Italy, where - shocked by the betrayal of Pippo Calo '- start' to work with the anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone, after being separated from his young Brazilian wife, Cristina. But
Buscetta and 'name only the most' known for a long list, which also includes Anthony Salamone, the boss the Mafia family of Giuseppe Jato San, who was arrested in 1993, when he was 75 years old, at his home in St. Paul. Brazil refuge for gangsters and drug traffickers, terrorists and militants but also by extremist groups, right and left, as Cesare Battisti. But Gaetano Orlando, a former neo-fascist member of the Revolutionary Action Movement (Mar) arrested in Foz de Iguacu in May 83 and later extradited to Italy. Luciano Pessina, a former Red Brigades, arrested in August 1996 in Rio, succeeded 'instead to avoid extradition, jackets,' the Federal Supreme Court (TFS) stable 'that two of the crimes for which he was convicted were barred and the the third was to be considered as a political and not a terrorist act. The same thing happened three years ago by Achille Lollo, a former Workers' Power, condemned the attack against the house of an MSI representative in Rome, in which two children died in the flames of political thought the TSF that the range of 11 years between a first acquittal in 1975 and conviction in 1986, according to Brazilian law, invalidate the second trial.
All resolutions concerning the extradition of fugitive Italian, just to the facts of crime 'as common to political violence, but are' taken independently by the TSF, unlike the case of Cesare Battisti, in which 'the chair to say the last word. But the two most cases' Notice of non-extradition of fugitive aliens in Brazil does not concern Italy. The Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner died'ex 'in exile in Brasilia in 2006, after being convicted in his country for crimes against humanity' in 1997, Ronald Biggs, the British star of the legendary Great Train Robbery (1966) that after 35 years of exile on the golden beaches of Rio and 'voluntarily returned to England in 2001.
We can not but express deep indignation and disappointment at the choice of the Brazilian government.
Luckily the left of Lula was to bring more social justice for his country. Compared to the previous Conservative governments, nothing has changed. It 's the usual stuff. Change facce, cambiano i partiti, ma alla fine rimane tutto come prima.
Una nazione non cambia e non migliora solo con riforme in campo economico, ma anche con leggi che tutelano il corretto esercizio della giurisdizione che tengano conto dell'interesse pubblico. E' prevalso qui l'interesse di parte, la ragione di Stato e non il senso di giustizia.
Ciò dimostra che sulla strada dell'impunità la politica non si divide, non rispetta i principi di uguaglianza e della certezza della pena, al di là del colore di appartenenza.
Cesare Battisti rimane un assassino e come tale deve pagare con il carcere. Concludo esprimendo totale ed infinita solidarietà ai parenti delle vittime che ancora adesso soffrono per la mancanza of loved ones. The criminals are the frank and honest pay for all.
Councillor Rebecchi Lorenzo IDV