After the infamy of Scilipoti and rockets, one for Italy of Values \u200b\u200band Public often political documents signed at ' unanimity know artificial, pre-cooked,
hide a limited ability to compare, or, worse, an insufficient production
ideas. Ebbene, all'indomani dell'esecutivo nazionale di Tivoli credo che le donne e
gli uomini dell'Italia dei Valori possano andare orgogliosi della risoluzione
approvata da tutti i dirigenti del partito.
Un partito dalle molte, troppe anime, dicevano alcuni guardando all'IDV ed al
dibattito che si era accentuato al nostro interno dopo il tradimento subìto ad opera di
due nostri ex-deputati. Un partito che ha una sola, grande anima, rispondo oggi a
ragion veduta dopo avere seguito ogni singolo minuto delle quindici ore di dibattito.
Un'anima capace, questo sì, di tanti sentimenti.
L'indignazione in un partito come il nostro, che non concepisce il doppiogiochismo,
la svendita della propria dignity, prostitution policy, can lead - as has happened
- to take strong positions. It can also produce some error in his ways, as we all are
focused on substance rather than form. Just
with the reality that belongs to us, yesterday and the day before yesterday the great soul of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
faced a tough transition but healthy. Together, we proudly
redone to common membership, which feeds
cultural richness of our post-ideological. We shared tools that enhance
an ever greater care in the selection of its leaders. We have installed new rules,
of both the relationship with the outside and internal dynamics. Insomma, siamo
cresciuti ancora un po': un bell'esame di maturità superato con lode.
L’Esecutivo Nazionale IDV, dopo ampia e partecipata discussione, approva la
seguente risoluzione politica ed organizzativa:
1. Riafferma il proprio impegno a costruire una coalizione democratica, liberale,
riformista e solidale, in alternativa alla politica clientelare ed inconcludente
del Governo Berlusconi e della sua maggioranza parlamentare;
2. Lavora a costruire la predetta coalizione con le forze politiche affini nel
programma e nelle culture di riferimento;
3. Auspica una rivisitazione del sistema elettorale che garantisca agli elettori la
opportunity to choose their candidates and their elected;
4. Maintains its reservations about the so-called "third pole" because
is preferred that the voters know before the vote, which program
give their preference on which team of government and give their consent;
5. It reiterates its full membership to the family of the Party of European Liberal Democrat and Reform
, which in November will host the congress in Rome
6. Reconfirms the policy agenda has been discussed and approved at the Congress
national to the national meeting of Vasto in 2010.
7. Committed throughout our entire organization - ad ogni livello – alla buona riuscita
della stagione referendaria che IDV ha promosso e a cui ha dato di recente via
libera la Corte Costituzionale;
8. Invita il partito a sostenere lo sciopero generale del prossimo 28 gennaio,
inteso come contrapposizione generale alle politiche economiche e industriali
dell’attuale Governo;
9. Prende atto del risultato della consultazione dei lavoratori di Mirafiori ed
auspica che Fiat a questo punto tenga fede ai propri impegni a partire da
quello di tenere in Italia non solo l’occupazione ma il controllo proprietario e
le funzioni più qualificanti del settore auto di Fiat – Chrysler ed in particolare
la ricerca. Rilancia l’impegno to support the reasons of the intangible right to union representation
and contrast the action of a government that has thus far declined to
play its role of protecting the best interests of the country
10. It stresses the desirability of continuing the activities of the party
to protect the rights of consumers, users and investors;
11. It reaffirms its commitment to enhance the existing various political sensitivities in
party that must be understood as an added value in a path of collaboration
ensuring equitable representation in decision processes
political life of the party to confront those who legitimately in their
Congress trails;
12. Commits itself to a greater use of participatory tools such
network and public meetings;
13. It reaffirms the will of the party to present itself as a political force in the country postideologica,
able to bring together different sensitivities, which are considered rich and
added value and the maximum contribution of ideas, yet also capable of synthesis
14. Rejects the current within the party and reaffirms the principle that those who
and is an integral part in other militant political party or movement
structured settlement can not subscribe to IDV and - in writing if - his
membership automatically lapses. The division
in current would lead to a loss of our identity and thus can not be accepted
15. States with strong and unanimous belief that IDV is a party
healthy and composed by good people that has sometimes been embarrassed by a lack of loyalty
policy and behavior by someone who - betrayed their
genuine confidence - has caused serious harm the party and its political action
16. Engages its ruling class - in order to avoid that in future this may happen
- to improve methods of screening of applications, involving
maximum spatial structures and assessment bodies
statutorily provided circa l’affidabilità di chi chiede di candidarsi con
17. Deplora e condanna il comportamento dei parlamentari a suo tempo eletti in
IDV che hanno espresso la loro fiducia al Governo Berlusconi del 14
dicembre, e riconferma con forza che tutto l’Esecutivo Nazionale e tutto il
partito intendono vivere, con rinnovata passione, l’impegno e la militanza in
un partito che sui valori, sulla coerenza dei comportamenti e sul rigore del
vincolo di mandato verso i propri elettori ha costruito la stessa essenza della
propria esistenza;
18. Incarica l’Ufficio di Presidenza ad individuare metodi che consentano la più
ampia condivisione nella scelta dei candidati e della ruling class
19. It reiterates the need for the members and especially the leadership of the party at every level
bodies to counter any judicial
slopes or criminal courts against them, in order to assess their compatibility with
membership of the party. Any omissions in the application forms
constitute grounds for revocation of registration of the party;
20. To ensure that the policy is considered a profession, which encourages young people enrolled in
IDV to reconcile political engagement with their coursework and the educational and occupational pathways
21. Instructs the Bureau to devise methods to optimize the membership
of membership, while minimizing the risk of monopolies
22. It stresses the opportunity that the Bureau may rely on appropriate
of specific skills in an advisory capacity;
23. Invite national and local structures of the party to give voice and space (even
in terms of financial resources) to the initiatives of the Departments and thematic
in particular, "Department of Youth" and "the Department of Women";
24. Is committed - to a more detailed comparison of the content -
to meet more frequently and at least four times a year in ordinary and extraordinary way
whenever the political situation demands it.
25. Undertakes all of its members, activists, elected representatives and administrators to:
- recognize the leadership of the party formed as a result of the various regional and national conferences
- improve the internal dialogue and confrontation in order to avoid misunderstandings personal
and media manipulation that
harm the political action of the party;
- restrict the debate concerning the functional organization of the party
within their organizations and the public debate to finalize
policy issues affecting the generality of citizens
- to complete the elected offices, except for justified exceptions;
- limiting, unless justified exceptions, hold office in consecutive
same meeting, two legislatures
whole - to ensure that the guarantee fees are made up of members who have demonstrated aptitude
impartiality and to 'independence of opinion;
- not to nominate relatives or similar, except that they have not developed their own political path
- do not override the guarantee institutions of the party relying on external sites
- recognize the power and duty of the Bureau to address
cleanly and decided the conflict and the failures that can compromise
the functionality of the party.
- Food mutual comparison and continuous, while respecting the roles and functions
among members, elected representatives, administrators, managers of the party and the respective groups
body that can not be considered foreign and independent from the other governing bodies the party.
Tivoli them
January 15, 2011 The National Executive