Freedom for the Centre was born on provincial mafias
E’ stato presentato alla stampa, questa mattina, l’Osservatori provinciale sulle mafie promosso dal coordinamento novarese di Libera in collaborazione con il CSV di Novara e sostenuto dalla Fondazione BPN per il territorio, dalla Fondazione Cariplo e dalla Provincia di Novara. Si tratta di un progetto che, in linea con la storia e l’identità di Libera, ha due obiettivi principali: osservare i fenomeni riconducibili alle mafie presenti sul territorio, superando il livello della cronaca ma cercando di metterne in evidenza dynamics, cultural, social and economic factors that underlie these observations and raise public awareness on the necessity of cultural revolution necessary for our country to liberasi by the mafia. E 'Domenico Rossi, coordinator of Freedom of Novara, to explain the "why" observatory "is becoming increasingly evident that the problem of gangs is neither a problem of" ugly, dirty and bad "or a problem in some regions of our country. It would just look at the history of criminal infiltration in the North or to understand the significant number of items confiscated from mafia (135 in 957 in Lombardy and Piedmont al 1 dicembre 2010). Negli ultimi anni le inchieste della magistratura hanno dimostrato come, ormai, siamo di fronte a una presenza capillare e significativa di organizzazioni che seguono una logica di vera e propria colonizzazione di spazi dell’economia, della politica e delle istituzioni. La stessa provincia di Novara, purtroppo, non risulta immune da tutto questo. Si pensi, solo per fare degli esempi, alla presenza di beni confiscati, alle infiltrazioni nell’Alta Velocità, all’omicidio del fruttivendolo Benvenuto residente a Novara, all’arresto di Rocco Coluccio nell’operazione “Crimine” o all’operazione “Replay” che ha dimostrato come un’organizzazione criminal diverted from the landfill Briona of toxic waste from the province of Varese. But above all, if you want to take as seriously as reported in the last report of the DIA, which are identified as areas of infiltration the public procurement system, the field of earth, some segments of the private and the "multi-compartment, which provides the so-called urbanization, we can not look with some attention to what "happens" in Novara in the years ahead: the new hospital, which will cover the work area Agognate Expo 2015 in Milan. " The areas of the observatory which will have essentially five: assets, the cycle of public contracts, criminal economy (usury, drug trafficking, money laundering, etc..) human trafficking and foreign mafias, earthmoving / quarries. Very importantly, the activities will increase awareness of what citizenship training in schools, public meetings to raise awareness on issues concerning the Centre's work and publications of documents and reports. The press conference was also attended by José Maria Fava, contact Piedmont Freedom, which stressed how the project fits into the groove regional observatory for years carried out by the secretariat of Turin, and the importance Novara Observatory becomes an opportunity for the entire network.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the coordination Freedom of Novara for outstanding achievement. The undersigned will contribute as a citizen, as a provincial councilor and as deputy coordinator of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bto the success of the Centre on provincial mafias.
released from jail, free of the mafia!
Rebecchi Lorenzo
City Council IDV
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