Dear Galliate,
I feel my duty to explain political thought the work done by the City Council in 2010 and I would like to make a budget, as the municipal council of opposition, the "big business" of the City.
I do not want to dwell too much on technical issues because I am afraid of boring the readers and create too much confusion. In order to be clear and simple, give a score from 0 to 10 reasons for my opinion of course. So let's start with:
Marco Bozzola: 4.5 votes. He falls asleep and remembers the pool. 'S main protagonist of the unwarranted closure, although it had been for a period of six months left to the company that managed to make the call on hold, as the same had suggested, and in the meantime revive and modernize the structure.
Bozzola Laura: Grade 5. You do not want to understand such cultural projects go ahead.
Carnival Luigi: 4.5 votes. Struggles to read his reports on the council budget. Often not understood. Fortunately, that means the Mayor.
Ugazio Flora: Rating 5. Is lost in useless controversy. Defends the mayor, despite the fact that the commissioner is further away from him. This is shown by the public position, read the newspapers, the painting was found by the Parish and agenda on federalism, presented by the directors of the League, even when it is sitting out of the city without seeing the discussion.
Rigorini: 5.5 votes. The better the team. Too bad that lends itself to the propaganda of the establishment of a recreational sports facility and a school campus, although to date no There is neither a plan nor the funds and budget provision.
Vegetables Elio Eros: 4.5 votes. Privacy sword is the first citizen even if its "enemy number one. It was green with anger when he defended the mayor on the motion of censure on the case of fines. Even denying the evidence.
Pasquali Francesco: np (not received). Terrible joke about his Toro Hannibal lost the second half of the name cited in the City Council.
Ferrari David, 4 vote. It 's the first on everything. And 'good at telling lies. E’ bravo ad aumentare le tasse e le tariffe (caso rifiuti e cimitero). E’ bravo ad ordinare per iscritto agli agenti di polizia municipale di non dare le multe, senza rispettare le minime norme amministrative. Non concede mai gli spazi alle associazioni che non gli piacciono.
Riesce a far utilizzare gratuitamente il maxischermo, che l’Amministrazione comprerà anche se sul mercato si può trovare un prodotto identico ad un prezzo molto più contenuto. Addirittura è stato il primo sindaco a creare tensioni sindacali con i dipendenti comunali. Per la prima volta è stata proclamata l’agitazione sindacale da tutte le sigle che rappresentano i lavoratori. Mai capitato prima nella storia di Galliate! Truly unbeatable!
Rebecchi Lorenzo
City Council IDV
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