Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bible Verse For Brother On His Birthday

We're all friends of Pino Masciari

E 'was a successful meeting last Wednesday at the Industrial Association in Novara Novara Pino Masciari with the presentation of his book "Organising the courage" organized by our association and Freedom. The room was packed and not touching moments are missing. There have been more than 100 people, among whom there were many young people.
The story of Pino speaks for itself. E 'courageous man who has never bent his back to the criminals and that did not pay protection money to politicians and mafia. For this he paid a tribute to thinking in terms of financial and family.
He sent strong messages to the public and there have been moments where the audience you felt the pain of the penalties paid by the family Masciari just because Pine is convinced that compliance with the rules is a fundamental aspect of life and why each of us is a value to be defended at all costs.
Pino has demonstrated why I believe that the law still Convenga for the community and because it is considered a symbol of resistance to the Mafia. Today, new generations have the example of the profit, consumerism, the tissues profiteers and politicians who do everything to get power and money.
But I think he represents a symbol for young people and that is a guarantee for our future.
is why I hope many of you siamo entrati nel gruppo "Amici di Pino Masciari". E' anche per merito suo se tanti delinquenti sono andati in galera. E l'ha fatto anche noi e non per sè stesso. Non dimentichiamocelo.
Concludo ringraziando gli industriali perchè la concessione della loro sede per noi rappresenta un punto di partenza per lavorare insieme in un grande gioco di squadra per isolare il male, per eliminare il grande problema del paese, per impedire la morte del nostro paese, che oggi è rappresentato ancora dalle mafie.

Rebecchi Lorenzo
Consigliere comunale IDV


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