In recent days, the Corriere di Novara took care of myself, but I regret to say, someone has built up a fact true of false and misleading.
Notizie simili sono state riportate anche da altre testate giornalistiche, ma di scarso peso, perciò intendo avvalermi esclusivamente del suo giornale per chiarire la mia posizione.
Non è, comunque, escluso che, in seguito possano esserci ulteriori sviluppi in merito.
Veniamo al dunque!
Sono stato accusato dal vicesindaco del Comune di Galliate, sig. Elio Eros Verdura, di: incongruenza; beneficiare di permessi retribuiti, bigiando così il mio posto di lavoro; rintuzzarmi lo stipendio (il termine esatto sarebbe rimpinguarmi) con il denaro dei contribuenti; rovistare nella spazzatura ed altre nefandezze.
Ebbene, l’unico fatto vero è che usufruisco di permessi working at the municipal councils, the rest of the article, however, is pure garbage produced by those who have no other holds to attack me.
The opportunity to have a work permit on the City Council is required by law, as correctly mentioned in the article, to give the opportunity for a counselor who works, documents, access to documents and study them for to intervene effectively in the Council.
I understand that my political opponents would prefer that I dedicate himself to work and did not have the time to document and carry out the task to oversee the work of institutional administration, but I have too much respect for citizens who have trusted me with their vote to make a simple act of presence in the City Council.
I understand, also, the bitterness of the deputy mayor, probably for the failure to report that I have given; heated long chair in his office in town is certainly not a symptom of administrative capacity.
With regard to reimbursement, some seventy euros per session, I hope that the deputy mayor is aware that do not fit in my portfolio, but they are required by the company I work for, such ignorance would be very sad.
would be easy to continue to counteract the arguments becere and virulence with which I was attacked, but I will not persecute further on politically and culturally vulnerable.
My political action will continue to be strong and effective and I will certainly not be intimidated by such misleading allegations.
With prayer published in full
Councillor Rebecchi Lorenzo IDV
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