Saturday, February 19, 2011

Horse Food For Loose Stool

question - "Article 86 of Legislative Decree 267/2000 social security, welfare and insurance - local administration - recruitment expenditure commitment

Given that

- By determining the head of general affairs of 23/12/2010 is committed to spending € 12,000.00 a year for payment to the social security institutions.


- Article 86 paragraph 2 of Decree No. 267/2000 whereby "The local government shall pay an annual lump sum, paid in monthly installments" for mayors and councilors not employees of the municipalities over 10,000 population;
- ; that the above-mentioned Article 86 paragraph 2 of Dlgs 267/2000 indica inoltre che “con decreto dei Ministri dell'interno, del lavoro e della previdenza sociale e del tesoro, del bilancio e della programmazione economica sono stabiliti i criteri per la determinazione delle quote forfettarie in coerenza con quanto previsto per i lavoratori dipendenti, da conferire alla forma pensionistica presso la quale il soggetto era iscritto o continua ad essere iscritto alla data dell'incarico” ;
-          che il decreto del Ministero dell’Interno del 25/05/2001 determina le quote forfetarie annuali da versare secondo i criteri in relazione the individual categories of workers other than employees.

is unsure in the next report to the Mayor City Council the following questions:

- Administration, enjoy many components of the payment of social security, welfare and insurance?
- which practitioners are interested the calculation of lump sum?
- how it happened, in detail, the calculation of lump sum for each category?
- in the budgets for 2009 and 2010, there were similar payments?


City Council, "Mayor Susan Centre Left"

Knoblock Nicola
Garzulano Susanna
Rebecchi Lorenzo
Franco Bernardi Anna
Re Erminio
Ceriotti Marco


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