Thursday, February 24, 2011

Punta Cana Disco Mp3 2009



Il preciso impegno richiesto dai Saronnesi alla maggioranza che ha vinto le ultime elezioni è quella riassumibile con la seguente espressione:

“basta con la cementificazione del territorio”.

Basta privilegiare gli interessi dei pochi palazzinari, ben rappresentati nei partiti della precedente maggioranza, e tutelare al massimo gli interessi pubblici. La richiesta dei Saronnesi è quella di poter di vivere in una città con una buona qualità della vita determinata da un ambiente vivibile, in una comunità gestita in modo equo e giusto.

Con la Giunta Gilli i notevoli oneri, riscossi come contributi alle opere di urbanizzazione primary and secondary education, compared to over one million cubic meters for granted in the last decade mainly residential buildings were not used to build public works necessary for the service needs expressed by the new residence is authorized, but used by countless works of pure image.
task of the new administration will be to redress the serious anomalies inherited from the previous council

In this context, we must re-examine the value and significance of the burden for infrastructure works.

In view of the need to have a maximum building permits for new residential construction, as indicated in the electoral program, the revenue costs will be significantly lower, so we'll forget for ever the choice of "make money with cement." In essence you will have to develop a new way of developing the municipal budget.

Given the legal limitations on the regional planning legislation, brazenly functional protection of private interests, the lack of rules and constraints that allow a serious urban planning aimed at realizing the community neat and well structured, the burden of the works urbanization are among the few tools available to govern the territory.

E 'di Saronno known that the territory is now used for more than 75% rimangono quindi poche possibilità per riequilibrare quanto già costruito, dotandolo di standard urbanistici europei.

Il solo metodo serio per ridurre l’inquinamento sia atmosferico che da rumore, affinché si migliori la qualità della vita dei cittadini, è quello di:

- contenere al massimo la motorizzazione privata,
- incentivare la residenza a canoni sociali,
- realizzare parchi a verde pubblico e piste ciclabili.

Parte di queste opere dovranno essere recuperate sulle aree industriali dismesse, che in questo quadro diventeranno l’ultima occasione per un recupero ambientale della città e parte dovranno essere recuperate riducendo drasticamente, l’utilizzazione of free land undeveloped.

To contribute to this objective, the current Board will determine the new charges for infrastructure works in a flexible way, designed to encourage or discourage new buildings with a view to a general interest.

For example, if a private asks permission to build in free zones - such as areas adjacent to the "Colombara" to "Stazione Ferrovie Nord SARONNO South" to "free areas on the border with Rovello P." - we must discourage making him pay for charges significantly higher (at least 3 or 4 times the current charges) because it is in 'primary concern further undermine the city's urban areas to build homes already oversized and unused. If a
Private Calls to restore old buildings into "Via San Giacomo" or demolish and rebuild dilapidated buildings - without compromising on new areas of land - is in the interest of the city encourage similar operations require infrastructure costs significantly below the current, forcing convection also parking spaces in public car parks to achieve.

In industrial areas, where they will be expected recoveries of standards and buildings - not residential - designed exclusively for business activities of a service industry, with incorporation of new companies that involve the development of new qualified jobs, the infrastructure costs will be contained and should also be calculated on the basis of new jobs that will become available. Even in this case is that the public interest must prevail in the evaluation of real estate transactions.

Ultimately, we must arrive at a framework resolution, without having to wait for the time needed to review the Plan of the Territory, for the new charges and will be prepared by considering a different and more significant finalization of charges arising from the use of the territory that is most valuable asset of a community and that, once compromised, not is more reproducible.

February 21, 2011 AV


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